(Article for the Model of the Council of the European Union)
In a recent meeting of the Council of the European Union, the
Directive regarding Common Procedures for granting and withdrawing
international protection has begun to be discussed. With no surprises,
each country member maintained its point of view after the Commissioner
expressed the idea of finding a common ground to all the differences in
this new draft.
With 21 members
present out of 28, as expected, the Ministers of Austria, Belgium,
Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Latvia and The Netherlands declared
themselves in favor of working together to face the challenge that the
refugee crisis represents.
But it must be added that were also
many that expressed their concern regarding this topic. The
representative of Bulgaria, for example, said that they shouldn’t “let
the biggest countries decide” what is best for the small ones. To this
perspective, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland,
Romania and Slovakia agreed in ending a situation that “cannot be
allowed to continue”.
The Ministers of Luxemburg, Slovenia and
United Kingdom, for their part, maintained a critical but mostly open
position while they ask for “common policies, coordination and
cooperation” in a long term strategy, leaving behind once and for all
the emergency plans.